Friday, April 25, 2014


Grown up in a problematic family is always gonna affect your life. I don't know if I think too much, but every time when I want to take a step forward I took a step back instead. I don't want to drag others into this kind of situation where they can be so stress dealing with my family issues. I am so fed up with them until, honestly I hate to go home that I would just distance myself far away. I tried to cope with it, tried to trust them but they kept disappoint me. All these commitment make me to think twice before I would like to do anything, end up being so indecisive. Things just don't look right for me if there is no answer, I hate guessing, I don't want risk, I am afraid to end up awkwardly. I thought I can be realistic actually, if you can't love your family how can you keep someone you like feeling loved? If you can't give your family enough financial support how can you expect to offer her a carefree shelter?

Monday, February 17, 2014

tic toc tic toc

roller coaster ride, that's the best word to describe my situation at the moment!

Started off excited with an oversea phone call, getting tired with those long hour travelling, disappointed by the supervisor decision, messed up the transportation home, blessed to receive another chance, mistaken the appointment time, stuck in the traffic and late for the interview, relieved to pass it, scrambling for place to stay, shocked with the medical report, and now waiting anxiously for the YES!

Although it's going to be hard for the HR to accept me with vision deficient written on the med report, I still hoping that maybe the company will be kind enough to hire me as long as I can show them that I am fully competent for the task, or they have another position that I can go for. PRAY HARD =( 

Nevertheless, I would like to thanks my beloved si jie, uncle and aunty for lending me a place to shelter! It's such a warming place to be, the dinner was really delicious, and you guys really make me feel like being at home! I felt sorry for bothering you guys so much yet I got nothing to offer other than sharing my family story which might be annoying. I don't know if I had disrupted you guys since it's valentine plus chap goh mei on the day, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and once more thank you si jie!!!
❤ you so much~

Monday, January 27, 2014




Tuesday, January 7, 2014


每天晚上带着那疲惫的身心,躺在床上,闭上眼睛,脑袋总是残忍的堵住我入睡,直到天亮。烦的是家庭,烦的是事业,烦的是爱情.. 人生中最重要的三件事,全都搞砸了,这就是我...

说实话,我是真的很讨厌这个家。为什么人家的家可以那么温馨,那么幸福,而我的家连最基本的干净都没有? 为什么我只能在吵吵闹闹,事故频频,互相猜疑的环境中成长?

妈,如果你不能够信任爸,不能够当一个称职的老婆,为什么还要嫁给他呢? 到头来搞得乱七八糟,悲剧下场,为的又是什么? 只能说为了结婚而结婚时不会有好下场的

一个家庭出现问题每个人都难辞其咎。爸也有错,他错在过分的迁就,过分的纵容,让你变得更得寸进尺,越来越无理取闹,让我们从小就觉得妈妈永远是对的。真是辛苦你了,爸。我们都知道你其实是一个很好的丈夫,很称职的爸爸,很孝顺的儿子,很虔诚的佛教徒。你这么一个典范都会有如此下场,我自认没办法像你那么伟大,结婚? 还是算了吧..



